Estate Planning Case Study
George and Georgina had been married 10 years when they first came to Phelan, Frantz, Ohlig & Wegbreit. They had two children in elementary school and had no estate planning documents. The impetus for creating a plan now was a trip out of the country to celebrate their wedding anniversary and ailing parents. Phelan, Frantz, Ohlig & Wegbreit was able to discuss guardianship and trust issues to address their concerns about their children’s future in the event something should happen to the two of them. Phelan, Frantz, Ohlig & Wegbreit also was able to talk to them about how to plan for anticipated inheritances from an ailing parent. Phelan, Frantz, Ohlig & Wegbreit was able to draft George and Georgina’s estate planning documents in a quick manner so that they could leave for their vacation without any concerns.